mardi 3 mars 2015

End of a journey

Hi there! Finally a new article is coming around! It’s been a long time since I wrote my last post on this blog, and there are many reasons why. In the middle of other things, some family troubles came in the picture, and I had to deal with them before going back to my professional life.
Anyway, here I am, coming back from New Zealand and Australia with a lot of stories to tell. Each story will come in an article. Here is a quick list of what’s coming in the few next weeks :

  • -       Meeting Julien, French Economic Designer at Gameloft Auckland (NZ)
  • -       Media School, or Global Game Jam as a Game Designer/Project Manager
  • -       Analysis about the « backpacker » way to travel and meet people

I’ll also leave France again in a couple of week, flying to Japan. First, I’ll visit some other towns (like Nara, Kyoto, Osaka…), and then I’ll stay for more than a week in Tokyo.

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